Accessing Content does not refer to copying it

Consider that one of your friends borrows a calculator from you and then sells it in the market. This would be counted as a theft and you would lose trust on that person. It is expected that he would face penalties as well. The same logic is applied for plagiarism or copying of content.

When you search for something online, you come across several links. It is obvious that the information is there to be read. However, this does not mean that you can copy it and reproduce it as well. This is an unethical practice and should not be adopted. Unfortunately, most students adopt the same practice when they are working on assignments and academic submissions. They copy information from a website or journal and use it without any paraphrasing. Even if you rephrase the content, it has to be checked for plagiarism through a limited checking application.

Choosing a fine plagiarism checker for CA Writing

It is an important move to pick the correct tool for a particular purpose. Thus, check the standard of a plagiarism checker before you start trusting it. Here are some quality tools which you can trust in every way. When you are done with content creation and compilation processes, use one of them to determine whether the content contains copied information or not. You need to remember that in case of plagiarism, there should be no doubt. This is because the same penalties are applied whether a particular portion of an academic assignment is copied or the entire paper is plagiarized.

Quality plagiarism checking tools you can consider while CA writing

Here are some high standard tools for checking copied content


This is a high standard online tool which comes free of cost. People highly prefer free tools so that they do not have to spend money on buying paid ones. You need to upload the content that has to be scanned for plagiarism. Here, there are multiple options to consider. You can upload the content by pasting it in the provided text form.

Uploading content as document

If you talk about content developers, they have the content in the form of a word file. There is no need to copy the content because the option to upload it in the form of a document is there. This tool supports documents in the TXT, PDF and DOC formats. If the content is in any of these document formats, you can upload it directly without copying the text.

Quicker content scanning

The content scanning process is quick for this tool. In a short span of time, the content would be scanned and if it is copied in any manner, the copied sections would be shown to you. You need to rephrase them and use the tool once more to see if there are plagiarism traces or not. Checking the content manually for plagiarism is a tiring ask and does not pay off as well.


Turnitin is a quality plagiarism tool meant for various user types particularly students. They have to work on academic assignments during their educational tenure. Submitting an assignment without checking it for plagiarism is not wise thinking in any manner. On the other hand, to get an assurance that the content does not have plagiarism problems, a quality tool is needed.

Turnitin is a good option to look at. To start with, it is a dependable tool. This is an important requirement when a tool for plagiarism is being selected. It identifies all the errors which have been made during the course of writing. After that, you need to paraphrase the sections identified and then run the plagiarism check once again. This process has to be repeated until no part of the content is shown as plagiarized.This is a quick tool with a simple user interface. Most students do not have a lot of technical knowledge so complex tools do not work for them.


Copyscape is a high standard tool mainly known for its ease of use. You need to provide a URL of the content. Once the URL has been submitted, the content on that URL would be compared with all online publications. If any other website or journal has similar content, it would be shown on your screen. In other words, you would know whether the content is plagiarized or not.


Plagiarism is not accepted in any manner and strict actions are taken against students who are involved in it. Thus, it is important to use a quality tool so that you can be free of doubts. A high standard plagiarism checker removes all the doubts about whether your content is copied in any manner or not. If there are any copied sentences or paragraphs, they would be shown to you and you can reword them. This is a more dependable alternative than checking the content manually and identifying plagiarism traces.

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