CMA Foundation New Syllabus 2016

Paper 1: Fundamentals of Economics & Management

Section A : Fundamentals of Economics [50 Marks]

  1. Basic Concepts of Economics – Micro & Macro Economics

(a) The Fundamentals of Economics(b) Utility, Wealth, Production(c) Theory of Demand ( meaning, determinants of demand, law of demand, elasticity of demandprice, income and cross elasticity) and Supply (meaning, determinants, law of supply and elasticity of supply)(d) Equilibrium(e) Theory of Production ( meaning, factors, laws of production- law of variable proportion, laws of returns to scale)(f) Cost of Production ( concept of costs, short-run and long-run costs, average and marginal costs, total, fixed and variable costs)

CMA Foundation Study Material for Syllabus 2016CMA Foundation, CMA Inter, CMA Final New Syllabus 2016

  1. Forms of Market

Pricing strategies in various forms of markets

  1. Money and Banking

(a) Definition of Money, Types, Features and Functions(b) Definition, functions, utility, principles of Banking(c) Commercial Banks, Central Bank(d) Measures of credit control and Money Market

Section B : Fundamentals of Management [50 Marks]

4 Management Process

(a) Introduction, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, control, communication, co-ordination(b) Concept of Power, Authority, Delegation of Authority, Responsibility, Accountability(c) Leadership & Motivation – Concept & Theories(d) Decision-making – types of decisions, decision-making process.

Paper – 2: Fundamentals of Accounting

Section A : Fundamentals of Financial Accounting [80 Marks] Accounting Basics

Accounting Principles, Concepts and ConventionsCapital and Revenue transactions – capital and revenue expenditures, capital and revenue receiptsDouble entry system, Books of prime entry, Subsidiary Books, Cash BookJournal, Ledger, Trial BalanceDepreciation – Methods (Straight Line and Diminishing Balance methods only)Rectification of ErrorsOpening entries, Transfer entries, Adjustment entries, Closing entriesBank Reconciliation Statements

Accounting for Special Transactions

Bills of Exchange (excluding accommodation bill, insolvency)Consignment (cost price, invoice price, commission & valuation of stock)Joint Venture

Preparation of Final Accounts:

Of a Profit making concern (for sole proprietorship concern only)Accounting treatment of bad debts, reserve for bad and doubtful debts, provision for discount on debtors and provision for discount on creditors.Preparation of Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet.Of a Not-for- Profit making concernPreparation of Receipts and Payments AccountPreparation of Income and Expenditure Account

Section B : Fundamentals of Cost Accounting [20 Marks]

Fundamentals of Cost Accounting

Meaning, Definition, Significance of Cost Accounting, its relationship with Financial Accounting & Management Accounting.Classification of CostsFormat of Cost Sheet

Paper 3 – Fundamentals of Laws and Ethics

Section A : Fundamentals of Commercial and Industrial Laws

1 Indian Contracts Act, 1872

Essential elements of a contract, offer and acceptanceVoid and voidable agreementsConsideration, legality of object and considerationCapacity of Parties, free consentQuasi Contracts, Contingent ContractsPerformance of contractsDischarge of contractsBreach of Contract and Remedies for Breach of Contract

2 Sale of Goods Act, 1930

DefinitionTransfer of ownershipConditions and WarrantiesPerformance of the Contract of SaleRights of Unpaid VendorAuction Sales

3 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

Negotiable Instruments -Characteristics of Negotiable InstrumentsDefinitions of Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange and ChequeDifferences between Promissory Note, Bill of exchange and ChequeCrossing – Meaning, Definition and Types of Crossing.

Section B : Fundamentals of Ethics

Ethics and Business

Ethics – Meaning, ImportanceThe “Seven Principles of Public Life” – selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadershipThe relationship between Ethics and LawEthics in Business

Paper 4: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics & Statistics

Section A : Fundamentals of Business Mathematics [40 Marks]


Ratios, Variations and ProportionsSimple and Compound interestArithmetic Progression and Geometric Progression.


Set TheoryIndices and Logarithms (basic concepts)Permutation and Combinations (basic concepts)Quadratic Equations (basic concepts)

Section B : Fundamentals of Business Statistics [60 Marks]

Statistical Representation of Data

Diagrammatic representation of dataFrequency distributionGraphical representation of Frequency Distribution – Histogram, Frequency Polygon Curve, Ogive, Pie-chart

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Mean, Median, Mode, Mean DeviationRange, Quartiles and Quartile DeviationStandard DeviationCo-efficient of VariationKarl Pearson and Bowley’s Co-efficient of Skewness

Correlation and Regression

Scatter diagramKarl Pearson’s Coefficient of CorrelationRegression lines, Regression equations, Regression coefficients


Independent and dependent events; Mutually exclusive eventsTotal and Compound Probability; Baye’s theorem; Mathematical Expectation