Financial risk management:

There is a continuous flow of funds in and out of an organization. This may lead to financial risk. There are numerous risks to an organization, so sound risk management is required to help identify potential risks in advance, analyse them and take necessary steps to minimize the impact. All these factors affect the Financial Risk and need to be properly managed in any organization.

Financial Compliance:

All the organizations that we see or hear of, differ in their size, their scale of operations, their businesses and how they can be managed. Irrespective of this, organizations have to comply with various laws, rules, regulations and, policies which may be internal or external. Compliance with all this helps in preserving the integrity and reputation of the organization. The importance of financial compliance will be increasing drastically as more and more organizations and consumers are migrating towards online platforms for their transactions. Although compliance and risk management are closely related, they do differ.


Compliance with established rules and regulations helps protect organizations from a variety of risks, while risk management helps protect organizations from risks that could lead to non-compliance. If an organization is not serious about its financial compliances, its resources will be diverted towards payments of fines, penalties, and litigations which will harm its reputation and may even lead to shutting down of business. On the other hand, if investments are made without analysing the risks, it may lead to huge losses that couldn’t have been forecasted earlier. So, in order to excel, an organization needs to focus on financial compliance and financial risk management as an independent department and at the same time keeping both the departments in synchronization. In rapid changes in technology and the removal of various trade barriers, it’s necessary for an organization to have such compliances and risk management avenues which help them to increase their reputation, maintain its integrity and help to create more value for all the stakeholders involved.