How to face CA Examinations?

Make a Good Plan:

Before commencing your studies, make sure you have a great plan in your hand. It should not be unrealistic & neither it should be something which doesn’t challenge you. Planning is as important as preparation is!

Good preparation leads to good execution:

Make sure you prepare honestly, dedicatedly & sincerely for your exams. A well planned study schedule will help you do that. Do not compare your preparation with that of someone else. Each one has its own capacity & study – style, try to improve your own strategy with each passing day.

Always Be Positive:

There will be times when giving up would sound easy & holding on would be difficult. But if you don’t give up at this critical moment, then I assure you, you will definitely be successful.

Talk to Motivating People:

Meet people who positively influence you & guide you. Also, discuss your plans with your mentors & parents & regularly tell them about your progress.

Avoid Social Networking:

No matter whether you accept this or not, but plenty of time is wasted on social networking. So either you completely avoid whatsapp, facebook, etc. or restrict your usage to a fixed time.

Eat healthy foods; avoid oily stuff:

Have a healthy & balanced diet. Avoid fast foods, junk foods, cheesy or oily stuff. Eat fresh fruits & veggies. Also, Eat Healthy & Stay Fit.

Sleep sufficient:

At least 6 hours a day you must sleep, even during the time of your exams. Taking short naps in between are proven to be more productive.

Proper Revision:

CA syllabus is known for its volume. So, make sure you cover the entire syllabus & are also able to revise it at least once before exams. You can make your own summary notes for ease of the same.

Solve Sample Papers:

The institute regularly organizes mock test papers. You can benefit from the same. If this is not possible, our site also hosts a number of previous exam question papers. Solving sample papers & then comparing your solution with the suggested one & analyzing your weaknesses from the same will definitely help you understand your lacunas & improve upon them. Also, with this you will have a dress – rehearsal for the final show – your exam day!

Proper Time Management:

Time management at the time of solving the paper is again a very important thing which you must not forget. Many times we get so busy in writing our answers that we forget to manage time & as a result we are unable to completely finish our papers. If we have a proper plan of how much time we will spend on a particular question, we can improve our exams for sure.

Attempt All Questions:

Yes, again something very important. Even if you are not sure about a few answers, make sure you at least give a try to them. Write as much as you know & try to make an attempt. May be, you won’t get full marks, but they will definitely increase your score. Drink water in between solving your exams & use a pen you are very comfortable with. Best Luck from our team for the coming exams! Important Articles

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