How To Find Your Target Audience on Instagram

When you do this either manually or with the help of an Instagram growth service, and they follow, like, comment, and otherwise engage with you on your post, it will help you grow. Growth will occur not only on your Instagram account, but on your website. You are more likely to gain revenue when you target the people on Instagram who have an interest in your products or services. You will also see that over time, you gain a loyal following that converts into a loyal customer base. This all seems so simple on the surface, but it can be challenging to find your audience on Instagram. The information in this article will help you overcome this challenge. It’s wise to understand that your brand, products or services, are not going to be for everyone. Therefore, if you target everyone, your exposure will fall into the abyss. The thing about Instagram is that most users want to engage with a brand. They are seeking a connection with a brand that fits their lifestyle and products that fit into their desires. Finding your target audience prevents you from getting frustrated with a lot of engagement, but no results from the engagement. A broad audience may engage with your posts, but they are not all going to become customers. That’s why you want to narrow that audience into more people who want what you’ve got.

How to Identify Your Instagram Audience

Now that you know why you need to identify your Instagram audience, you need to know how to do that.

Create a Buyer Persona

This concept is where you create a detailed description of your target audience. This will not be a real person, but a character you create to better understand to whom you are speaking through your content. This persona profile should include:

Demographics like gender, location, age, familial status, etc.Everyday activities wake-up time, transportation type, etc.Values, self-identification, and belief system.Hobbies, interests, social media preferences, challenges.Education, spending power and patterns, job, solvency.

This should result in a full profile of your ideal buyer who will want what you are offering. This is the person you are talking to via your content.

Analyze Your Active Instagram Followers

If you already have some active followers, examine the profiles of those who engage with you the most. Look at who else they follow, places they visit, how they communicate, and topic they seem interest in. Check their profiles against your buyer persona profile. If they are not at least somewhat similar, you may be going in the wrong direction. Your goal should be to maintain interest among your existing followers while also attracting new followers.

Look at Instagram Insights

Go check out  Instagram Insights. Here is how you access that. Go to your account, tap on Insights, and then tap choose Your Audience. Now you will get to view the statistics related to your followers such as location, age, gender, active times on the platform, and a few other basic analytics. When you use this along with your buyer persona profile, you will form a better understanding of your target audience on Instagram.

Research Your Competitor’s Audience

Your competitors are businesses or brands that sell something or offer something like yours. In other words, they are in the same industry or niche. So, it makes sense that their audience is also yours. It isn’t difficult to go through and check out their followers. Analyze their followers just like you have yours. This research will also help you brainstorm ideas and fresh content that you may not have thought of before. Just make sure they are engaging with your competitors the way you want your followers to engage with you.

Research Communities and Hashtags

Check out the hashtags that relate to your audience, your competitors’ audiences, and content. See how it matches up to your hashtag game. Be sure to focus on the most active members of communities across several to see if they fit into your ideal audience.

Final Thoughts

Once you have identified your ideal target audience, you can start creating strategies to create quality and relevant content, share related articles, use targeted ads, write engaging texts, produce a lead magnet, and be actively engaged with your audience. You should also check out influencers within your niche to see what they do and get ideas from them. You may even want to collaborate with some to get more exposure to your content. Also check: Top 50 Richest Boxers